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Sardines "a linguata" - Sarde a linguata
sardines a linguata   Ingredients for 4 servings
1 1/2 lbs. of filleted sardines, white vinegar, flour, extra virgin olive oil, salt.
Wash and dry up the sardines; put them in a bowl and cover with vinegar and soak for 30 min. Drip dry them on paper towels, flour
the fish and fry in hot oil, add salt only at the end.
Sardines "a beccafico" - Sarde a beccafico
sardines a beccafico Ingredients for 6 servings
Aprox. 2 lb.of filleted sardines, 5 oz. of breadcrumbs, 3 tbsp of grated pecorino cheese,
(parmesan a substitute), 3 1/2 oz. of anchovy fillets in oil, fresh parsley 1/2 bu., 1 oz. of pine
nuts (about 1/3 cup), 1 1/2 oz. of raisins (about 1/4 cup), 2 medium lemons, 1/2 orange,
extra virgin olive oil, 4 bay leaves, salt, pepper TT.
Stir-fry the breadcrumbs and put them in a bowl. Then add the raisins, softened in lukewarm water and drained, the pine nuts, the
anchovies melted in oil, minced parsley, the pecorino, salt and pepper. Mix all these ingredients together adding oil if necessary.
Wash and dry the sardines; add salt to the sardines and put on each sardine a little of the bread crumb mixture. Roll them up
forming little roulades and put them in an oiled baking-pan, among them put some bay leaves and slices of lemon. Sprinkle the
roulades with lemon and orange juice and trickle some oil. Spread the remaining breadcrumbs on the roulades and bake them for
15 minutes.

In Catania another version of this recipe is very popular: the filleted sardines are soaked in vinegar. On half of them they put a
mixture of breadcrumbs, grated pecorino, chopped garlic and parsley, beaten eggs, salt and pepper, then they cover each fillet with
the remaining ingredients. Dip every couple of fillets in the beaten eggs and then in the flour, fry them in hot oil. In Messina the
fried couple of fillets are braised in a covered pot in a sauce of tomatoes, onion and parsley.
Swordfish "al salmoriglio" - Pesce spada al salmoriglio
swordfish al salmoriglio Ingredients for 4 servings
1 1/2 lbs of swordfish in slices, 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil, 2 medium lemons, oregano, salt, pepper TT.
Pour the oil in a bowl, add the lemon juice, some salt and pepper, some oregano and beat with a fork to obtain a homogeneous
sauce. Salt the fish slices and grill them; then put them on a dish and sprinkle them with the sauce. Serve immediately.
Mackerels "lardiati" - Sgombri lardiati
mackerels lardiati Ingredients for 4 servings
2 lb. of mackerels, 2 cups of peeled, chopped and seeded tomatoes, 1/2 cup extra virgin
olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp of white vinegar, oregano, salt, pepper TT.
Clean and wash the mackerels; dry them up and speinkle some salt on them and let flavour for about 10 min. Heat the grill and
roast the fish; then put them on a dish sprinkle the seasoning on them and serve with sauce. Sauce for fish. Crush the garlic in the
mortar with some salt and then add the tomatoes; after having pounded for a few minutes pour the mixture in a bowl. Add some
oil, the vinegar, a little of oregano, salt and pepper and mix carefully.
Swordfish roulades - Involtini di pesce spada
swordfish roulades Ingredients for 4 servings
12 slices of swordfish about 1/4 inch., 3 1/2 oz. of breadcrumbs, 2 tbs. of pine nuts, 2 tbsp of
raisins, fresh parsley, 2 tbsp of grated pecorino (or parmesan), 1 1/2 oz of anchovy fillets in
oil (7 to 8 fillets), 2 medium lemons, 1/2 orange, bay leaves, extra virgin olive oil, salt,
pepper TT.
Brown 2/3 of the breadcrumbs in a pan with some oil, then add pecorino, minced parsley and pine nuts, the raisins, the anchovy
fillets melted in some oil, some spoons of lemon juice, salt and pepper. Slightly salt swordfish slices, spread the prepared mixture
and roll them up. Dip the roulades in the oil and then in the breadcrumbs. Stick a skewer into the roulades alternating with bay
leaves and slices of orange and put them in a baking-pan with some oil. Sprinkle some oil and lemon juice on them and bake for
20 min at 200° (temperature if centigrade need conversion to F.) 200 + 32= 232 / 1.8 = 418 F. This sounds right 200 degrees would
make fish soft and wet, and I think they are supposed to be crisp.

You can grill the swordfish roulades instead of baking them.
Breaded swordfish - Impanata di pesce spada
breaded swordfish Ingredients for 4 servings
18 oz, or 3 1/2 cups of flour, 7 oz. ( 1 3/4 sticks or a little less than 1/2 lb.) of margarine, 3
tbs of sugar, 3 eggs, 2 lbs of swordfish in slices, 14 oz of peeled tomatoes, 1 onion, about
1/2 cup of green olives, 1 tbsp of capers, parsley, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper TT.
Mix the flour with the margarine, the eggs, the sugar and the salt then knead to obtain a smooth short dough; wrap it in some
plastic film and let rest in the fridge for 1/2 hour. Stir-fry the chopped onion in a pan with some oil; add the peeled tomatoes, the
minced parsley, olives, the capers, salt and pepper and let it cook a little. Then add the swordfish and let it cook for 10 min, turning
the slices while cooking. Roll out the pastry dough in two sheets and put one of them in a baking-pan with greaseproof paper,
covering the bottom and the rims. Fill with the fish in the sauce prepared before and close with the second sheet of pastry, sealing
hermetically the rims. Bake in hot oven for about 30 min.
Mackerels fillets with breadcrumbs - Filetti di sgombro al pangrattato
mackerels fillets with breadcrumbs Ingredients for 4 servings
4 big mackerels already cleaned, 2/3 cup of breadcrumbs, 1 medium lemon, 2 tbsp of grated
pecorino, extra virgin olive oil, capers oregano, salt, pepper TT.
Divide each fish in two fillets and remove the bones; dip them in the oil. Then dip the fish in a mixture of breadcrumbs, pecorino,
oregano, salt and pepper and put them in a baking-pan with oil. Sprinkle oil, capers and lemon juice.
Bake for about 20 min. at 382 F.
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