"Salmoriglio" - Salmoriglio |
for 4 servings
1/2 glass of extra virgin olive oil,
filtered juice of 1 lemon,
salt, pepper TT. |
Pour the oil in a bowl add the filtered lemon juice, the
salt and the pepper and the oregano; then beat with a fork
to obtain a
homogenous sauce. For roasted fish or meat.
and sour
- Agrodolce |
This sauce is prepared adding
vinegar and sugar to the fried oil of vegetables, meat and fish.
Eat when cold. |
"Cipollata" (onion stew) - Cipollata |
for 4 servings
1/2 glass of extra virgin olive oil,
2 onions,
1/3 cup of white vinegar,
salt, pepper TT. |
Slice the onions and let them brown in a pan with hot oil.
Add some salt and pepper, then pour the vinegar, and cook
for about 1
minute. The sauce is indicated especially for
fish and cold dishes.
sauce - Agliata |
for 4 servings
3 cloves of garlic, 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil,
1/2 cup of white vinegar,
fresh parsley 1
mint leaves. |
Brown the pressed garlic in a pan with hot oil, pour the
vinegar and let evaporate partially. Then add the minced
herbs and pour the
sauce on the prepared dish.
Suitable for meat, fish, fried vegetables, above all cold
dishes. You can season the dish using the oil in
which you have fried the food.
sauce (Tomato sauce with basil) - Salsa pik-pacchio |
for 4 servings
2 1/4 lb. of ripe tomatoes,
fresh basil,
1 clove of garlic,
1/2 onion,
extra virgin olive oil,
salt, pepper TT. |
Parboil the tomatoes; peel and chop them. Remove seeds. Stir-fry
the onion with oil and garlic (which you will then remove); add
the tomatoes, basil, salt, pepper and let the sauce thicken on
a low flame. Suitable for pasta or completing vegetables soups.
Zogghiu - Zogghiu |
for 4 servings
1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil,
1 cup of vinegar,
fresh mint leaves,
2 cloves of garlic,
salt, pepper TT. |
Pound in the mortar the garlic together with the parsley,
mint and salt, after add an emulsion of oil, vinegar, salt
and pepper.
Suitable for roasted fish.
(dissolved sauce) - Stemperata |
for 4 servings
3/4 cup of green olives,
1 large carrot,
some celery,
1 tbsp of capers,
1 big onion,
1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil,
1/4 cup of white vinegar,
sugat TT,
salt, pepper TT. |
Brown the sliced onion in a pan with hot oil; then add the chopped
carrot, the capers, the stoned (pitted) oilves, the minced celery,
and the mint. Let flavours marry for some minutes. Add the vinegar
with sugar, salt and pepper and keep on the flame. Suitable for
rabbit, swordfish, tuna, and all cold dishes.
purée - Estratto di pomodoro |
It is a tomato purèe to preserve. It is obtained
exposing the tomato pulp to the sunlight for 1 or 2 days, on wooden
boards, seasoned with salt. The sauce has to be stirred many times
to make it dry faster, it has to be removed at sunset. When dried the preserve
is worked with some oil and put in earthenware containers. The purèe must
be dissolved in hot water before cooking. |
tomato sauce (for pasta, etc.) - Salsa di pomodoro |
There are three versions of tomato sauce, that
of western Sicily, that of eastern Sicily and the one of the
area of Agrigento. |
Western Sicily
2 1/4 lb. of ripe tomatoes
1 medium onion
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
fresh basil leaves
salt pepper
sugar |
Peel, seed and chop the tomatoes, put them in a saucepan and
let them stew for about ten minutes. Purèe them
and pour in a saucepan with oil and browned onion, add
basil, salt, pepper and sugar (if the tomato is sour) and
make it thicken on a low flame. |
Eastern Sicily
2 1/4 lb. of ripe tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
salt pepper
basil |
Clean and slight crush the tomatoes, put them in a saucepan
and make them stew for ten minutes. Purèe them and
pour in a saucepan with browned garlic, add then basil,
salt and pepper and cook on a low flame. |
Area of Agrigento
2 1/4 lb. of ripe tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 onion
fresh basil leaves
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
salt pepper TT |
Clean and dry the tomatoes, crush them and put in a saucepan together
with garlic, onion, basil, and cook for about 15 minutes. Purèe
then all and add salt and pepper make the sauce thicken on
a low flame. |